Title The evaluation of the reading habit promotion project to develop
analytical thinking skills of Students of Muang Phon Pittayakhom School
Under the Office of Provincial Administration Organization Khon Kaen AssessorMr. Suthep Onamorn Year2018
An evaluation of the reading habit promotion project to develop analytical thinking skills of students at Muangphonphitayakhom School The objective was to evaluate the performance of the project to promote reading habits in order to develop analytical thinking skills of students. Mueang Phon Phitthayakhom School 10 operating activities using the CIPPIEST Model: 1) Context 2) Imput 3) Process 4) Product and Impact Extension ) Effectiveness, Sustainability, and Success Transfers (Transportability) academic year 2018, sample group was1 group, using population as a sample, including 15 basic education committee of the academic year 2018, 12 administrative committee of Muang Pholphitayakhom School, 10 committee of the project operation group 2 Set the sample size according to the finished tables of RVKrejcie and DWMorgan and use the Stratified Random Sampling by using the proportion of random sampling, consisting of 92 teachers and educational personnel, grade 1-12 students. 6, 341 people, 341 parents and students. The instrument used for data collection was a 5 level estimation questionnaire and 1 analytical thinking test. Analyze the data with descriptive statistics such as frequency, value Percentage, average and standard deviation
The findings of project assessment
1) In the context, found that the objectives and goals of the project Expectation
Project to promote reading habits With consistency And the educational policy of the Department of Local Administration The educational policy of the Khon Kaen Provincial Administrative Organization and the educational policy of the school were at the highest level.
2) Regarding the input factors, it was found that the sufficiency and appropriateness of the resources to be used in the operation
Projects such as budgets, personnel, materials, and activity forms, in general, were at the level ofvery
3) In terms of the process, it was found that the operational planning based on the activities SupervisionAssessment operations and improvements In general, the operation was at a high level.
4) Productivity
4.1 The achievement of the project found that students know how to make good use of their free time Students apply knowledge from reading to use in daily life. Students have a habit of reading The overall picture wasin a high level.
4.2 Results of the evaluation of the sample student's ability In the test Regarding the analytical thinking skills, amount 30 items, found that the sample group of students Can do the test Analytical thinking skills Pass the specified evaluation criteria More than 70% of all items with the total average score () equal to 23.72, the total standard deviation (S.D.) was1.05 and the average percentage was79.07.
4.3 Assessment results of impacts, effectiveness, sustainability and transmission
Success according to the opinions of the school board. The project committees and teachers and educational personnel towards the project found that all opinions were consistent, with the overall average highest level. With assessment
Regarding the effects, the average picture is at the highest level. By ranking the issues from the most to the least 3 points, namely, students behave in a positive way Next, students know how to make good use of their free time by reading. And students use the knowledge gained from participating in activities to promote reading habits as a guideline for self-development respectively.
In terms of effectiveness, it was found that the average was at the highest level. By ranking the issues from 3 to most, including the students know how to integrate learning effectively, efficiently and with good effectiveness Next, students applied the knowledge gained from participating in activities to promote reading habits in the classroom. And searching for information to learn from information media is fast, efficient, respectively
Regarding sustainability, the overall picture is average at the highest level. By ranking the issues from 3 to most, including students paying attention to search for knowledge and continuing knowledge consistently and continuously Next, students are happy to participate in activities to promote reading habits. And students cooperate with various work Share with others respectively.
In the aspect of success transmission, the average picture is at the highest level. By ranking the issues from 3 to most, including the students can apply their knowledge and experience after participating in the reading habit promotion program to be used in various learning groups. Secondly, students were able to apply reading skills to their daily lives and the Reading Habits Project could be adapted for every activity, every school respectively.
4.4 Evaluation of teachers and educational personnel satisfaction results Parents, students and mathayom suksa 1-6 students towards the project showed that there were all opinions. Satisfaction assessment results Both the overview and each item Having the highest mean value at the highest level. By ranking the satisfaction levels from high to least 3, which is to see more benefits and importance to reading, followed by resulting in more learning progress, with students being able to apply reading skills to study And students have increased learning ability with parents Students and teachers Were satisfied with the implementation of the reading promotion program respectively.
สำนักการศึกษา ศาสนาและวัฒนาธรรม อบจ.ขอนแก่น Bureau of Educational Religion and Cuture Khonkaen Provincial Administrative Organizations ถนนหน้าเมือง อำเภอเมืองขอนแก่น จังหวัดขอนแก่น 40000 โทร.0-4323-9322,0-4324-6525 Created by Wissanu Charoenrach